Kennesaw Water Restrictions and Outdoor Water Use

Kennesaw Drought

On June 10, 2009, the Georgia EPA lifted the tough outdoor watering restrictions in place in Kennesaw and throughout much of Georgia since late 2007. Georgia Environmental Protection Division Director Carol Couch said. “This drought has ended, our water supplies are flush, our rivers and streams have rebounded.”

Outdoor watering is now allowed at any time on your designated days. The current residential water use rules in Kennesaw are as follows:

Even or no number addresses can water on:

Odd numbered addresses can water on:

Although Georgia has seen the second wettest spring in over a century, water conservation is still recommended.

Did you know:
Up to 65% of drinking water in Cobb County can be used for outdoor watering
Over watering, and not drought, is the number one killer of plants
Watering every other day creates plants that are weaker and water dependent

For more information, call the Cobb County Water Efficiency office at (770) 419-6244.


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